
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정: 최신 트렌드와 전략으로 성공을 이끄는 방법

2023/06/21 14:13
2024/01/23 00:22
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정를 통해 성공을 이끌어내는 방법
홈페이지는 모든 비즈니스에게 있어서 매우 중요한 역할을 합니다. 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정은 비즈니스의 온라인 존재감을 강화하고 고객들에게 효과적으로 커뮤니케이션할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 그러나 홈페이지를 리뉴얼하는 과정은 매우 복잡하고 오랜 시간과 노력이 필요합니다. 이 글에서는 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정에 대한 최신 트렌드와 전략을 소개하고, 비즈니스가 성공을 이끌어내기 위해 어떻게 할 수 있는지에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정의 중요성
홈페이지리뉴얼은 기존의 홈페이지를 개선하고 현대적인 요구에 맞게 새롭게 설계하는 과정입니다. 이는 비즈니스에 다양한 이점을 제공합니다.
시각적인 매력을 갖추다: 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정은 홈페이지의 시각적인 매력을 향상시킵니다. 현대적이고 흥미로운 디자인 요소를 도입하여 방문자들에게 강한 인상을 남기고 브랜드의 신뢰성을 높일 수 있습니다.
사용자 경험을 개선하다: 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정은 사용자 경험을 개선하는 데 중점을 둡니다. 직관적인 내비게이션, 빠른 로딩 속도, 모바일 친화적인 레이아웃 등을 통해 사용자들이 쉽고 편리하게 정보를 찾을 수 있도록 도움을 줍니다.
검색 엔진 최적화 (SEO) 향상: 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정은 검색 엔진 최적화 (SEO)를 개선하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 검색 엔진은 최신 디자인 표준과 최적화된 콘텐츠를 선호하므로, 리뉴얼된 홈페이지는 검색 결과에서 상위에 노출될 가능성이 높아집니다.
고객 유치와 유지: 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정은 고객들을 유치하고 유지하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 현대적이고 사용자 친화적인 홈페이지는 고객들에게 더 나은 경험을 제공하며, 이는 장기적인 고객 충성도와 매출 증가로 이어질 수 있습니다.
경쟁 우위 확보: 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정을 통해 비즈니스는 경쟁 우위를 확보할 수 있습니다. 경쟁사들과 차별화된 디자인과 기능을 제공하여 고객들에게 독특한 경험을 선사하고, 그들의 관심과 신뢰를 얻을 수 있습니다.
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정 단계별 안내
다음은 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정의 주요 단계와 각 단계에서 고려해야 할 사항들에 대한 안내입니다.
1. 타당성 평가 및 목표 설정
홈페이지리뉴얼을 시작하기 전에 현재의 홈페이지를 평가하고 개선해야 할 부분을 찾아야 합니다. 다음과 같은 질문들을 고려해 보세요:
현재 홈페이지의 강점과 약점은 무엇인가요?
경쟁사들의 홈페이지와 비교했을 때 우리의 홈페이지는 어떤 점에서 뒤쳐지고 있나요?
홈페이지리뉴얼을 통해 어떤 목표를 달성하고 싶나요?
목표를 설정한 후에는 목표를 달성하기 위한 전략과 계획을 세워야 합니다. 예를 들어, 사용자 경험 개선, 시각적인 매력 강화, 검색 엔진 최적화 등의 목표를 달성하기 위해 어떤 작업을 수행해야 하는지 계획을 세워야 합니다.
2. 콘텐츠 전략 수립
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정에서 콘텐츠는 매우 중요한 역할을 합니다. 좋은 콘텐츠는 방문자들에게 가치를 제공하고 검색 엔진에서 높은 순위를 얻을 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 콘텐츠 전략을 수립할 때 다음 사항을 고려하세요:
목표 대상 그룹에 맞는 콘텐츠를 제공할 수 있나요?
키워드 연구를 통해 어떤 키워드들이 중요한지 파악했나요?
콘텐츠를 제작하고 관리하는 데 필요한 리소스는 충분한가요?
콘텐츠 전략을 수립한 후에는 콘텐츠를 작성하고 관리하는 일정과 프로세스를 설정해야 합니다.
3. 디자인 개선
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정에서 디자인은 매우 중요합니다. 시각적인 매력과 사용자 경험을 개선하기 위해 다음 사항을 고려해 보세요:
현대적이고 흥미로운 디자인 트렌드를 적용할 수 있나요?
사용자 친화적인 내비게이션과 레이아웃을 설계했나요?
반응형 디자인을 적용하여 모바일 사용자들에게 최적의 경험을 제공할 수 있나요?
디자인 개선을 위해 전문적인 웹 디자이너와 협업하는 것이 좋습니다. 웹 디자이너는 최신 트렌드와 사용자 경험에 대한 통찰력을 가지고 있으며, 비즈니스의 브랜드 아이덴티티를 반영하는 디자인을 제공할 수 있습니다.
4. 기능과 퍼포먼스 개선
리뉴얼된 홈페이지가 사용자들에게 원활한 경험을 제공하려면 기능과 퍼포먼스도 개선되어야 합니다. 다음 사항을 고려해 보세요:
로딩 속도를 최적화하기 위한 방법을 적용했나요?
검색 기능, 상품 구매 기능 등 필요한 기능들을 추가했나요?
보안과 개인정보 보호를 위한 조치들을 적용했나요?
기능과 퍼포먼스 개선을 위해서는 웹 개발자와 협업하여 필요한 기능들을 구현하고 최적의 성능을 제공할 수 있도록 해야 합니다.
5. 검색 엔진 최적화 (SEO)
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정에서 SEO는 매우 중요한 요소입니다. 검색 엔진에서 높은 순위를 얻기 위해 다음 사항을 고려해 보세요:
키워드 연구를 통해 중요한 키워드들을 파악하고 콘텐츠에 적절하게 사용했나요?
메타 태그, 제목 태그, alt 텍스트 등의 SEO 요소를 최적화했나요?
외부 링크와 내부 링크를 효과적으로 활용하고 있나요?
SEO 전문가의 도움을 받으면 더욱 효과적인 SEO 전략을 수립하고 실행할 수 있습니다.
6. 테스트와 개선
홈페이지리뉴얼을 완료한 후에는 항상 테스트와 개선을 거쳐야 합니다. 방문자들의 피드백을 수집하고 홈페이지의 성능과 사용자 경험을 모니터링하여 계속해서 개선해 나가야 합니다.
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정에 관한 FAQs
Q1: 홈페이지리뉴얼을 언제 해야 하나요?
A1: 홈페이지리뉴얼은 비즈니스의 변화와 현대적인 트렌드에 맞춰 필요할 때 수행해야 합니다. 일반적으로 홈페이지가 구식이거나 경쟁사들과 비교했을 때 뒤쳐져 보일 때 리뉴얼을 고려해야 합니다.
Q2: 홈페이지리뉴얼을 위해 얼마나 많은 예산을 할당해야 하나요?
A2: 홈페이지리뉴얼의 예산은 비즈니스의 규모와 목표에 따라 다를 수 있습니다. 전문적인 디자인과 개발 팀을 고용하거나 외부 컨설턴트를 사용할 경우 예산이 더 필요할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 적어도 몇 천 달러 이상의 예산을 고려해야 합니다.
Q3: 홈페이지리뉴얼은 얼마나 오래 걸릴까요?
A3: 홈페이지리뉴얼의 기간은 홈페이지의 규모와 복잡성에 따라 다를 수 있습니다. 작은 비즈니스의 경우 몇 주에서 몇 달까지 걸릴 수 있으며, 큰 규모의 프로젝트의 경우 몇 달에서 여러 달까지 걸릴 수 있습니다. 프로젝트 일정을 설정할 때는 충분한 시간을 확보하고 일정을 따라가기 위한 여유를 가지는 것이 좋습니다.
Q4: 홈페이지리뉴얼을 위해 어떤 전문가들과 협업해야 하나요?
A4: 홈페이지리뉴얼을 위해 디자이너, 개발자, 콘텐츠 작가, SEO 전문가 등의 전문가들과 협업해야 합니다. 각 전문가들은 자신의 분야에서 최적의 결과를 제공할 수 있으며, 종합적인 홈페이지리뉴얼을 위해 필요한 협업이 중요합니다.
Q5: 홈페이지리뉴얼 후에 어떻게 성과를 측정할 수 있나요?
A5: 홈페이지리뉴얼 후에는 웹 애널리틱스 도구를 사용하여 성과를 측정할 수 있습니다. 방문자 수, 페이지 조회수, 이탈률, 구매 전환율 등의 지표를 분석하여 홈페이지리뉴얼의 효과를 평가할 수 있습니다.
Q6: 리뉴얼한 홈페이지의 유지 보수는 어떻게 해야 하나요?
A6: 리뉴얼한 홈페이지의 유지 보수는 정기적인 콘텐츠 업데이트, 보안 패치, 기능 개선 등을 포함합니다. 필요한 경우 웹 개발자나 관리자를 고용하여 홈페이지의 원활한 운영과 유지를 도와야 합니다.
효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼과정은 비즈니스의 성장과 성공에 중요한 역할을 합니다. 최신 트렌드와 전략을 활용하여 홈페이지를 개선하고 고객들과의 커뮤니케이션을 강화할 수 있습니다. 타당성 평가, 목표 설정, 콘텐츠 전략, 디자인 개선, 기능과 퍼포먼스 개선, 검색 엔진 최적화, 테스트와 개선 등의 단계를 따라가며 효과적인 홈페이지리뉴얼을 완료할 수 있습니다.

ChatGPT FREE Backlinks: How I Create SEO Backlinks (AI Link Building) - YouTube


00:00 today I'm going to show you how I get free backlinks with chat gbt using my best AI link building strategies and this is the same strategy as helping me get results like this you can see as the number of backlinks have increased for this website so it's a number of keywords and organic traffic for this site that I own and the strategies I'm going to show you today are the same ways that we've managed to increase the traffic on my website here as you can see and also how we save this website and help it re-axis SEO traffic in just
00:26 28 days using chat GPT Ai and Link building I'm going to walk you through each of these free link building strategies and the exact steps to quickly action them so that you can increase your SEO traffic rankings and get more customers from Google let's go you might also be wondering how many free backlinks you actually need to build I wouldn't even say it's a lot right so if you look at this site this increases traffic and this one too Julian goldie.
00:53 com if we check for example this site and how many backlinks we've built we only built like two or three a week maximum in fact if you look at the average Dr of those websites it's around 50 so you don't really need to build a lot of backlinks you just need to focus on quality that's it two backlinks a week can anyone do that yet sure if you apply the strategies I'm going to show you today you might also say are all of these backlinks so we got free backlinks not all of them obviously some other websites say one you'd pay
01:18 they're a business it's a real estate it's their time their expense any backlinks they build for your site are usually inexpense for them that's why sometimes you have to pay for backlinks but I'm going to show you the best ways to get free backlinks today and let's get straight into it now the first thing I'm going to recommend to you is that you set up chat sheet BTS and that you train it for link building specifically for your website so how have I done that well there's a new feature you might
01:41 already be using it we'll check the settings over here for chat GPT plus if you go to Beta features and you enable custom instructions what you can actually do is train chat gbt based on your information based on your website all the information about you and how you like to communicate and you can plug that into custom instructions which I'll show you in a second but just make sure you have that enabled or the link building strategies that we're going to use today because that makes it optimal it will
02:07 save you a lot of time so here's the cool thing about chat GPT for link building in the past I've trained dozens of people on how to do link building from my agency and for my own websites and it can be a nightmare because we're all humans and you might train someone but you have to follow up with them you have to make sure they're actually doing it it might be after a couple of weeks of telling someone to do something this sort of drift off and do their own thing and you have to get them back in place
02:33 now what I like about chat gbt when you're training it for link building is someone you can train it how to communicate right and with link building you always want to communicate with no fluff nothing cringes you'll see in a second every sentence on a new line make the emails win-win no formal language keep you neutral Etc now I only have to say that once to check GPT if it's going to create link building Outreach funnels for me whereas if I train a human on how to do that or a virtual assistant I
02:59 might have to train them five or six times create an sap Etc and check their work which is fine but GPT is more efficient on top of that you'll see this section here where it says what would you like chat GPT to know about you to provide better responses and what I've actually done is I've summarized using Harper AI the information from my about me page because it's a lot of word count there we don't need all of it and then I've taken that content right there that'll summarize with Harper Ai and Harper is a
03:27 free extension uses chat gbt and I've pasted it into the custom instructions on chat GPT right here so that I don't need to explain every time what my business is about or what type of website I'm building links to or who I am Etc chat gbt knows that now and when I'm building link building Outreach funnels it's all there ready to go now you might be saying why is all of that relevant well if you go onto chat GPT and you can use 3.
03:54 5 or 4 and it's basically got the custom instructions which means that it's going to write better Outreach emails funnels for me and I'll show you exactly how to find email addresses how to send the right emails how to find the right websites to build links from but the first place you want to start is with writing the average email template so what I've said to chat GPT with the prompt is write an Outreach email funnel for me promoting this article I've included the link and then I've said add some relevant puns
04:21 and humor to the funnel about the page I'm promoting nothing green and this is basically a standard page that I would do a link building re strategy for and that's how I'm getting backlinks for and you can see it's written the average emails included a little joke related to the content I'm promoting it's mentioned my name so I don't need to tell it all about that and this is like a really conversational email that would get a better response than your standard Dear Sir Madam Etc
04:47 Now link building Outreach 100 is still a numbers game so you need to send a lot of these emails to get a backlink but this is basically a great way to train chat GPT generate an automate the creation of Outreach emails and then you've got the whole funnel ready to go and let's be honest probably by the time you send the second and third follow-up that's when you're going to start getting backlinks you probably won't get it from the first one but this is where you start takes about two minutes you don't need a
05:12 human to write it anymore you don't need to pay anyone to create the average funnel for you it's all good to go and it's better than most humans will write it now you might be saying okay do the custom instructions really make a difference well this is with the custom instructions right let's have a look what the content looks like if we don't use these instructions so we're gonna disable customer instructions right here so let's try writing an email without the custom instructions so we've got the
05:36 same prompt here we're using chat gbt4 again let's have a look and compare before and after right so here's the email with the custom instructions plugged in you can see we generated that before nice easy to understand includes my name includes a link to the article we're trying to get back thing for right and then if we compare after you can see it doesn't include a link to the article doesn't include my name it doesn't explain who I am it just says we're on
06:02 it's got longer paragraphs of text that are less easy to read so you can see right here for example versus this follow-up email so overall your link below Outreach campaign is going to be better plus you don't need to keep correcting it over and over again which means you're going to save time you're gonna get more backlinks it's going to be less frustrating creating our Gmail funnels and if you're trying to build loads of different campaigns because ideally you want to outreach for every single page on your
06:27 website if you can if you can get backlinks for them custom instructions on chat gbt it's just a much faster way to do it so we'll enable that back there we go bing bang bush now if you want any of the prompts that I mentioned today or any of the processes Etc I'll leave the whole details in my course so you can get the whole system and there's a link to my free course in the comment section so you can get access to that instantly now we've written the our Gmail funnel we've optimized it which is gray we just
06:53 need to find websites so we can actually reach out to this is basically How I build backlinks on my websites is we just reach out to websites ask him for a backlink promote our content and then the backlinks you get and look way more natural versus if you're getting backlinks from say spammy blog comments or directories Etc which number one aren't editorially added but number two your backlinks are just gonna be way more powerful and way more relevant if you get backlinks from Outreach because they're editorially
07:21 added by other websites so to find free link building prospects AKA websites he can reach out to for a backlink you can type the keyword that you want to build bad things for in Google like this so for example if I wanted to build an Outreach campaign for my article about powerful backlinks then I can start here type the keyword in and what you want to do here as well is go to Quick Settings in the top right click see all search settings and make sure you have 100 selected like that and I'll tell you why in a second so if we go
07:53 back to Google and we've got 100 articles like that that have just appeared around the topic that we want to build backlinks for what we can do is open up Harper Ai and by the way if you don't have Harper AI just going to quickly mention this totally free Chrome extension right here use this chat GPT and it's really good for building backlinks as we see in a second so the link building prospecting you can actually open up Harper looks like this and you would say scrape a list of all the URLs and domains on this page
08:21 related to SEO now sometimes not going to work so what you can try instead is say give me a list of just the URLs and domains on this page related to SEO nothing else harp AI is a little bit temperamental free tool obviously that's the price you pay in life so we've got this list of prospects that we could reach out to to do cold email Outreach so we can select all the relevant websites like that paste them into a Google sheet if you want to scrape more just type in a new keyword here for example you can type SEO and then you
08:51 can do the same thing again and you can just say Darby give me a list of all the URLs and domains on this page again and it will give you another list right you can just keep rinsing and repeating that to get relevant prospects you can reach out to for link building Outreach and the whole goal here is to find tons of websites that you can send that Outreach email you created before contact all these sites and obviously not all of them are going to be relevant right not all of them are going to build you a link so for example if you reach out to
09:18 LinkedIn or semrush or are they going to add a backlink to your site absolutely not but this only takes 10 seconds to do as you've seen you can get as many prospects as you want you just keep changing the keyword each time if you want to filter out the duplicates on the spreadsheet you can go to data cleanup and then remove duplicates here and just sanity check the whole list ideally you want to get as many link building prospects as you can because like I said link building is a numbers game but basically prospecting for link
09:48 building is number one free now and number two you can do it with AI to speed everything up now you might be saying is that enough for prospecting well if you actually want more tips and you want to go really deep into that I have a 10 minute video right here on link building prospecting and how to really filter through all the backlinks so yeah make sure you're only reaching out to Quality sites but for the purpose of this video and the scope of it I don't want to be talking about prospecting forever this is how it can
10:14 be done now if you want another way to get more link building prospects with chat GPT you can actually go back to chat gbt4 like this we'll open up plugins and make sure you have the plugin web pilot installed if you don't have that you can just go to the plugin store right there and you would say to chat GPT use webpiler and give me a list of sites related to my Niche whatever your Niche is that I can reach out to and ideally you want smaller companies not big Brands right because if you reach out to massive companies yeah
10:45 thousands of average emails every single day they're not going to reply to you ideally you want to cherry pick and find the smaller ones that is still valuable and still get your results and then from here you'll get a bunch of other small websites that you can reach out to about your topic right and you just keep rinsing and repeating that you could ask for more but either way it does a lot of the researching for you you know if you check these sites they're all pretty much related to SEO so you don't need to
11:09 manually check yourself and you can just automate that again and again that's basically how it works so it's been pretty productive so far you've created the email funnel templates all the follow-up emails you've written all the copy Etc and it's tailored to the content that you want to create and that took about a minute then on top of that you found a bunch of Link building prospects you can reach out to to potentially ask for a backlink but the problem is you don't have the email addresses of the sites you need to reach
11:32 out to so how are you going to do that well what you can actually do is you can actually use Hunter i o it's completely free to search for a domain so for example you can type in the website you're looking for and it will just pop up and you can see it's already got a result right there another tool you can use is any email finder that will find your email addresses too and on the free plan you actually get 25 free email searches using Hunter and there's tons of other free tools you can find for getting email addresses as well
12:00 this is just a couple and if you're really adamant on not paying for any email address tools I know I've got a few comments about that previously then this is the free way to do it but it's going to take you more time now if you want to save time and you want to scale up your Outreach and have enough email prospects to reach out to but you don't want to pay a lot of money which totally understand then you can actually go into appsumo you would type something like find emails and usually they have these
12:24 lifetime deals right which are way cheaper than paying monthly for a SAS software so for example you can see there's an offer right now and I don't use affiliate links or anything like that but you can see there's an offer right now for use Artemis where you can find people's email addresses is 69 and I'm pretty sure even if you don't like the tool there's a guarantee on appsumo DLC it's absolutely crazy there you go 60-day money-back guaranteed so you can try the tool for two months if you don't
12:51 like it you hit a button you get refund bing bang boss and you can see that you get 7 000 email addresses to find every single month for 69 and even if this deal expires and you're watching this video later there's always a new deal on appsumo for Finding Nemo addresses it's a really popular tool so if you're on the free option you just use Hunter and other tools like that if you want the really really cheap option then you can use appsumo and if you don't like it you get money back guarantee anyway so that would be free
13:21 right so you're about 75 of the way there now and this process works I've shown you a couple of examples already a couple of example case studies but what's the next step well you've written the Outreach email funnel you found the prospects already you've found the email addresses for each Prospect and now it's just time to send an email to each Prospect now how can you do that well there's an easy way to automate it right so using the Hunter and like I say I'm not an affiliate no affiliate links they
13:48 did used to be a client of ours and I use this company time in the past the link building Outreach basically what you can do is under the free account as you can see right here you can set up Hunter campaigns so you can connect an email address you can collect one email account to Hunter and you can send 500 emails for free using Hunter campaigns which is absolutely crazy how do you do that all you do is you go to campaigns like this I haven't used this for about a year but basically you can set up a free campaign plug all the
14:22 prospects so you can see this as a 170 prospects for this Outreach campaign and you can even track the response rates right so when you're sending out all these Outreach emails and you're trying to build free backlinks but you can see how many emails you've sent what the open rate is how many replied and bear in mind the reply rate is going to be pretty low because you're just blasting out emails there and trying to get backlinks back and that's basically how the process works and you might be
14:47 saying surely it's not that easy Julian Goldie there's something we're missing here well that's pretty much it It's a Grind like link building is hard takes time it's time consuming but if we look for example at this average campaign right here which you can see was on how many backlinks per day say we send out 150 emails you can see the my page that we did Outreach for is ranking number one right here for this keyword plus he ranks for a bunch of other keywords too as you can see and we built a ton of backlinks for
15:20 it using Outreach so Hunter campaigns free tool doesn't take long to build backlinks with you can see that we're attracting a lot of backlinks here we've got a bunch of do follow backlinks too and that was with Outreach and a bunch of those backlinks for free so very simple very easy process if we look at the actual campaign and how it worked you can see this is the email we actually sent so it's customized to their URL my URL Etc we follow up five days later if they don't reply follow up again if they
15:47 don't reply and that's freed setup you know if you look at the stats of this campaign it's not bad 32 open rate is okay for cold email Outreach it's not going to be massive four percent replied in total eight percent replied on the second attempt so you get a higher percentage of replies on the follow-up that's basically it that's the whole process so on the settings here you can choose when you're going to send the email so we just chose weekdays Outreach between 8 to 5 PM we've got a unsubscribe sentence
16:18 here so if people don't want to hear from us they can just opt out as simple as that and then you want to set up as many Outreach campaigns as you can to maximize the amount of backlinks that you can get now another easy way to build free backlinks with chat gbt is basically you're going to be receiving a ton of Outreach emails from other people asking to build a backlink on your website and what you can actually do is filter them find the websites that are high quality that have reached out to you and then
16:45 ask them if they would consider doing a reciprocal link back to you and quite often they'll be open to because they know how the game is played so what you can do and this is just a example email of something you'll probably get every single day from other websites reaching out to you and asking for a backlink is with Harper AI if you select the text like this you'll see Harper pop up in the bottom right and you can click reply like so you can choose a whole bunch of different ways to reply but if you click
17:12 agreement like so it will basically write the reply back to you and it will negotiate a backlink link swap or a non-recipitable backlink and you can see it understands exactly okay what are you doing and how are you going to do it and how is it going to be done and it also even gives a call to action please provide me with the details of the link you'd like me to share and I'll get it on my website ASAP and then basically all the Outreach emails that come to you you filter them you find the quality ones and then you arrange a backlink
17:42 exchange it could be from one of their websites to yours or vice versa and that's it simple as that and this way because these sites are coming to you 've got all the power and you get to choose okay who do you want to backlink from and you don't have to pay now another good way to get free backlinks with AI is to actually create case studies and research around AI that people would be interested in it's a really hot topic right now it's trending but there's not enough research in case studies yet
18:12 which means that you have some link building opportunities because any sort of research you publish around AI is kind of like a Magna to attract links to your site now what do I mean by that that sounds a bit random well for example you can see Lori balance website right here if you haven't checked out our YouTube channel it's really really good but she featured my video in her article and she also linked back to my site right here because I published this case solid on AI and I think there's loads of
18:40 opportunities I mean if you look at one of the link building masses himself right backlinko another amazing YouTube channel so if we look a battling cone where they get mostly backlinks from which you can see right here links to page and we saw the pages by Best Buy links you can see that most of backlink codes pages that are attracting backlinks are actually from case studies and research so for example Google's 200 ranking factors or we analyzed 11.
19:08 8 million Google search results or this one as well about analyzing 4 million Google search results and basically by creating research this attracts backlinks naturally for free because people are just referencing your content and they're looking for case studies to feature and the same for this article right here you can see the background going to my site right here this is some case study research I did a while back before chat GPC was trending but it's attracted another backlink for free didn't pay for this link and the other
19:36 cool thing about this is you don't even have to do the research itself you can use a tool like perplexity which is using chat gbt's API to create data and well-referenced content that looks like a huge amount of research but actually you're just reference in other case studies and then you can create an article like this for example this article has tons of facts this is a website that I own all of this content was created with AI and you can see all the references to the research we've done here generated
20:04 with perplexity and this is attracting types of backlinks with Outreach right so if I look at the backlink tracker for this website we can see that tons of backlinks are coming through to this page right here that was generated with AI and you might be wondering okay what's the result of that well if you look at this website you can see that the traffic was in the sandbox period here and now the traffic is just gradually increasing as we built more back onto the page and you can easily create a link magnet full of case studies
20:35 research data Etc using complexity AI publish articles like this and then build backlinks through it like this using Outreach so thanks very much for watching they are my best link building strategies on how to build backlinks for free using chat GPT and AI if you want some more prompts and templates plus all the prompts I mentioned today you can get that in this course right here I'll leave a link in the comments and if you want to book in a free call where you'll get a link building acceleration session
21:04 learn exactly how to build backlinks and grow your rankings with SEO then feel free to book that in I'll leave a link in the comments thanks for watching bye bye